more NEW pendants....

I got some NEW pendants in today....just thought I would post them....

Lexi's Bow's

This is Lexi Eddings. I have known Lexi's Daddy & Mommy (James & Nichole) for YEARS. I'm talking like when I first got my drivers licence....gosh this makes me feel old. James and Nichole had the "high school sweethearts" relationship that I myself, along with every other adolescent female, wanted. They got married right out of high school and had Miss Lexi....I think I saw Lexi about 3 times while she was a baby....we lost touch for a while so you can imagine my surprise when we did get back in touch a few years back how much Lexi had grown through my eyes. Lexi now has an ADORABLE little brother Noah & Their Mommy and Daddy are still going strong!! Nichole ordered these bows for Lexi to wear with her School here are just a couple of pictures of the Beautiful Lexi in her TLS bow. I Miss you guys!!! Come see me soon....

April 14, 2009

Foster's 1st Birthday Party

Saturday was Foster's 1st Birthday party. Tatum had fun playing with all the kids and I had a really good time visiting with Veronica, Carmen, Vanessa, Fawn & Scarlett. All of the girls wore matching E-I-E-I-O shirts with bows to match and looked really cute. They had a bounce house...that I had to pry my daughter out of when It was time to go....but we both had fun. I think Foster had a good time too...I can't believe he's ALREADY 1!!!

April 8, 2009

SHELBEE in her new necklace

This is Miss Shelbee. Shelbee is one of Tatum's Best friends and her mommy Carmen is a very close friend of mine. We met Carmen and Shelbee through Veronica (Carmen and Veronica are sisters) and I Love them to death!! Shelbee and Carmen came to SPARKLES to visit a few Saturdays back and Shelbee got a new necklace. She LOVES IT!! I am thrilled that she is so happy with it :)


This is Baby Myah. One of my favorite things about my job is THE BABIES!! I love meeting and getting to watch all of these Mommy to be's come in the store..pregnant and glowing...most of which at 9 months look about the size that I was at 6 months (I was HUGE) haha anyway everytime they come in the store their baby bump is bigger and bigger and I watch them grow more and more excited for the big day. Then they bring the baby in the store....
Baby Myah is so tiny & beautiful....Congratulations to Justin & Lanise Thedford!!!


Foster Todd turned 1 today!!!!