Levi Brett

This is Levi. If you have read my blog, you might recognize Levi....I wrote a post about him and his (amazing) family back when I first opened the store.....
On My 13, 2010 this handsome little guy was diagnosed with Wilms Tumor, a type of childhood Cancer that attacks the kidneys.
PLEASE pray for Levi and his family.
I love you Josiah, Jamie and Levi!!!

to read Levi's story, make donations, and see more photos

July 28, 2010

CLOSED due to unexpected rupture of membranes....

My Aunt just e-mailed me this picture and it made me laugh. It is CRAZY that 3 months ago, my sweet baby boy decided to make his appearance 3 weeks early....
The night before, we were all over at my parents house...eating steaks and visiting because my Granna and my Aunt Betty were in town. EVERY day before that I had TONS of contractions. All of which, were making me moody and miserable. But, that day I didn't have any...at all. I remember being in a WONDERFUL mood as I told my Momma, Aunt, and Grandma in the kitchen that night that I felt great and hadn't had any contractions.....not even in the car on the way over there, which, was usually the place that they got so bad that I would feel like I was going to be sick. Anyway, apparently they knew then that it would happen soon....I had no clue.
That night....I was uncomfortable and having a few contractions, but they were NOTHING like the ones I had been experiencing in the weeks prior!!! I woke up at about 6:50....swung my legs over the edge of the bed and....My water broke. Jaxon was born 5 hours later.....
I had no idea this note was even on the door at the store, and, if they told me....I don't remember ;)
(sigh) time flies........
Thanks Aunt Betty for the picture!!! xox -J

Bow SALE!!!

EVERY hair bow in the store will be ON SALE the whole first week of August!! This includes EVERY bow in the store!! We are making room for NEW hair bows!!
Single KORKERS~$5
Double KORKERS~$10
Single solid BOWS~$4
(this INCLUDES every spikey, loopy, crystal center, bottlecap bow in the store!!)

{custom order bows are NOT included in the sale}


Custom Guitars now available for order!! Cute for picture props, bed room decore, and gifts. I love these!! I had Hayley make Tatum one for her birthday pictures ;)
{Ggallery Photographys custom guitar}

{Tatum's Birthday guitar}

July 23, 2010

VBS Program at Church

The kidos at Church had a program after Vacation Bible School was over....it was SO CUTE!!! They were so into the dance moves and songs...it was PRICELESS!!!!