December 14, 2009


....the last 6 weeks without Daddy have been hard.....we have missed him sooooo much. He just happened to come home on the day we found out what the baby is....but his plane landed an hour AFTER my ultrasound. I wanted to find out at the same time he instead we had the ultrasound tech (along with sis-in-law and Veronica) write what the baby was inside a card I bought for Ben. When we picked him up from the Airport he opened the card and we found out together what the baby was.....Veronica took lots of pictures....I am so glad we did it this way. It was really special to me to get to find out with Ben.


  1. OK, Even thou I have been very emotional since Eric left, this definately made me cry!!!! I am truly so excited for you!! Congrats to you and the family. I bet Ben is thrilled beyond belief! :) xoxox love you doll.

  2. OMG Jessica - I just got tears! That is the sweetest thing ever. I'm so happy for yall! :-)
