Tia....Oh, the memories I have with Tia....
Tia and I met when we were 8 years old, about 3 days after I moved to Conroe. The first time I saw her she was at the end of her driveway....Which, just so happened to be two houses down from mine. She was sitting on a pink bike (it was the dorkiest pink bike I had ever seen and I still tease her about that) hahaha we finally spoke to each other after standing there staring at each other for a good 30 seconds. After that we were inseparable...we were BFFs....partners in crime, and, oh the trouble we got in together...
Tia called me about a month ago and asked if I would help her design and make her outfit for her solo at cheer leading tryouts. This will be her 3rd year to be on the squad (Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleaders) and I was really excited to help. Veronica and I each did our parts in building this ballerina/hip-hop outfit and Tia and I spent HOURS gluing crystals all over it. There are over 1400 iridescent crystals on this thing....I'm surprised I'm not cross eyed after that. lol
We had a really good time and I am really glad she got to come and stay with me for that very much needed and long overdue visit. It was nice to catch up and reminisce with one of my closest friends. She's EXACTLY how she was when we were neighbors...fun spirited and funny. She showed up at SPARKLES with a big smile on her face and a box of "Sprinkles" cupcakes for me (pretty sure I gained 10 pounds that weekend...Thanks Tia) lol anyway....when we went to go visit my parents, My mom cried...then Tia cried....I told them to get a grip and quit ignoring me and we all started laughing....it was a great weekend.
Come back and visit soon Tia....I LOVE YA!!!!!

SHE MADE IT!!!{i knew she would}

Okay.....so I Promised Tia that I wouldn't post any embarrassing stories on here....but.....there is NO WAY that I'm ending this without at least 1 funny story....
I'm pretty sure we were about 13 when this happened....maybe closer to 14. My dad had a FORD Bronco that he used when he took trips to his deer lease. We weren't to supposed to go near it...much less get in it. So, why Tia and I ended up in the Drivers and passenger seat of that thing (me in the drivers seat of course) while my parents were at work I will never know. Where we were planning on going or what we were doing I don't remember....but as I very carefully attempted to back this monster machine out of our garage, I suddenly heard a scraping sound and realized that we had run over something...and it was hung underneath the car...it was my bike....the bike I had left there. Maybe if we would have went into the garage from the garage door instead of through the laundry room, we would have known that it was
there and moved it.....but we didn't.
So.....I tell myself Its okay....we can handle this....quit panicking and pull forward........
I very carefully put the Bronco in drive and let my foot off of the brake.....nothing happened...it didn't move. Tia tells me to give it a little gas...I did. All of a sudden that thing LUNGED forward so fast that I didn't even realize we were moving. I heard a loud sound. Tia screamed. I screamed. After a couple of seconds I opened my eyes (I don't remember at what point I closed them, I just know they were closed) and WE WERE SITTING IN MY PARENTS WALK IN CLOSET.....in the Bronco. whoops. We. Are. In. BIG. Trouble. So we look at each other....and die laughing...we both always got kinda delirious under pressure. Our parents always got so mad about that...they would be lecturing us over something and we would be trying our hardest to muffle our giggles. We did get in trouble...and I think it cost close to $2000 to rebuild my parents closet...I was not allowed to even LOOK at my dads Bronco. My parents laugh about it now. Mom wishes she would have taken pictures of the damage that we did.....
.........then there was also the time we managed to wreck my first boyfriends PARKED jeep in the school parking lot one morning while he was retaking a test....we didn't even have the keys.......
Well, that's a whole different story and It's 6:30...I'm goin home!!! :)
Tia.....It's a wonder our parents ever let us have cars......lol